Philip Traill
Commercial Photographer
Philip Traill - Commercial Photographer
p: 01252 70 50 60 - m: 07983 693545
philip@traillphotography.comI specialise in providing insightful corporate, architectural and portrait images for business. In other words everything about your business; from what you do, where you do it, and the employees who make it all possible.
My passion and aim is to help your business to stand out from your competitors; in what is now a strongly image lead marketplace.
I am frequently commissioned to take photographs for Web-use, Print-use, PR and Social Media. In particular new photography for websites.
Please use the contact form or email me if you would like to discuss a photoshoot. I very happy to have a conversation about what you would like the photography to achieve. I am based in London & the Home Counties and will travel further if required.
Here are just some of my much used and loved camera collection. Isn’t it incredible how much technology has changed?
It all started at the age of 11 years with the Kodak Instamatic on the far left. I quickly progressed to professional equipment and became a Nikon man. My camera has been a close companion all my life. Everywhere I go I see the world through a lens and it never ceases to amaze me.
Pictures I Love!
There are things you regularly pass by and never think of taking a picture. This was the moment I did take the time to stop - walking across the River Thames in London.
Businesses In Action
Published Series in Sussex Life Magazine
Please give me a call or send an email to discuss your photography requirements.
Mobile: 07584 907621
© 2022
Ownership & copyright:
This website and its contents are owned by Philip Traill. This web site, including www.philiptraill.co.uk and www.traillphotography.co.uk (and others), it's content including each and every photograph are protected by copyright, trade mark law and other related intellectual property rights. The website and individual photographs are also protected by moral rights. The photographer will assert his moral rights to be identified as the author wherever and whenever the photographs are copied or distributed by any means.
No part of the website and photograph's may be copied or distributed by any means without the explicit written permission of the photographer, Philip Traill. Contact details are above - philip@traillphotography.com