Threshing Barn
Shown on Channel 4 - Grand Design
The Barn's History
The Barn is a listed building (Grade II), and together with the adjacent Cart Shed and Stables formed part of the historic farm. The buildings also lie in an area of archaeological potential, and within the medieval village. As part of the development a series of archaeological measures were required by Surrey County Council and by the local planning authority.
The Barn and adjacent buildings were all basically timber-framed structures of 19th century date. There was no evidence for earlier construction, although it is likely that the land surface had been reduced when these buildings were constructed. The Farmhouse itself is thought to date from the 16th century, and the adjacent Granary is probably of 18th century date.The Threshing Barn formed the principal building within the development, and was probably built some years before its appearance on the village Tithe map of c.1846. The building measures some 16m by 9m in plan by 4.5m high, and is constructed mainly of softwood – frequently with carpenters’ marks – over machine-cut oak wall frames and a brick base. The building is divided into a total of six bays, the easternmost previously containing a root store and probable hayloft.
Externally the Barn is weatherboarded, with an original full-height brick wall at the eastern end and a half-hipped tiled roof. The original timber threshing floor and supports had been entirely replaced, but much of the structure remained intact and has been retained within the new development.
The Barn roof is generally constructed with raking queen posts set between the tie beams and a lower line of clasped purlins, although at the western end of the Barn vertical queen posts rise to the level of the upper purlins. A notable feature is the hanging knee braces, probably of elm, which support the tie beams.eet.The adjacent Cart shed and Stables formed smaller and less significant timber buildings. The Cart shed was a later 19th century development and was probably prefabricated off-site. The structure was internally subdivided and originally partly open to the east, and may have had a dual use for carts and livestock.
The Stables were the product of gradual development rather than one build, starting with an earlier 19th century brick wall. There were some five phases of addition or alteration, much of it of quite recent date and including further brick and stone walls and timber superstructure.
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